Meet Darci!

A good friend of mine recently made a comment to me saying, “Don’t you wish you could take a magic pill at night and wake up 50 lbs lighter? That would make things so much easier.” Man, isn’t that the truth. But, the truth is, there is no magic pill. It all comes down to hard work.This month marks 3 years for me at Eupraxia. In Feb. 2012 I had just had my 4th baby. I was totally fed up with how I looked and felt. I had always been an athletic person, never the “skinny girl” but athletic, all through high school and even after. But, having kids and bad eating habits, the weight just kept going up. After each baby I would get down to a certain weight and I would be content with it. Not happy, but content. I was reading the paper one Sunday and saw the ad to try an 8 week session at Eupraxia for a low rate and they would teach you better eating habits and each day was a different workout. It sounded pretty good and the price was right. What could it hurt? Now, here we are 3 years later.It was shortly after that 8 week session that I became pregnant with my 5th baby . Wasn’t quite sure how that was going to be working out and being pregnant, but I kept at it. The trainers were able to help me alter certain moves so I was able to do them with an ever growing belly. So, safe to say I didn’t exactly lose weight my first year at Eupraxia. But, I was exercising and slowly changing my eating habits. After having my baby, I couldn’t wait to come back and start exercising and get myself into better shape.Like I said, it has been 3 years now that I have been working out at Eupraxia. And I wasn’t fully dedicated to working out and eating healthy right away. I really couldn’t tell you when I started seeing real results, because the time has just flown by. I can tell you that it is when I really changed my diet, eating more fresh veggies and fruit, lean protein and getting rid of the junk food. I have to admit, I love my breads, baked goods and ice cream. Those are still my biggest weaknesses. I haven’t given them up totally, but I am much more aware now of what I eat. So, I can say that it is the great combination of working out regularly and eating right is when I started seeing results.Lindsay recently sent me my “before” photos that were taken on the first day during the orientation. I had never seen those photos. I still have mixed emotions when I see them. But, then I realize, yes, I have lost about 50 lbs since starting and yes, I am down 3 pant sizes and yes, I have quite a bit more muscle than when I started. I never would have thought I could have accomplished all of that. I know I couldn’t have without the help of the trainers and the amazing friends (you know who you are) that I have gained while at Eupraxia. They have helped push me to do better and tested me to see what I can accomplish.This journey has been scary, painful, rewarding and most of all, life altering. I love knowing that I am a healthier, happier person for my kids and husband. Surprisingly, they aren’t sick of hearing about the crazy workout I had or how sore I am, at least they haven’t let on that they are. Either way, they’re going to keep hearing about it, because there is always something to improve on, and I’m not done yet.